Tutoring Business
All tutors should have four-year degrees because parents are not going to pay for anyone teaching their child whom they believe is unqualified. But that doesn’t mean that you need a college degree to own a tutoring center. It just means that everyone you hire as a tutor must be a college graduate. And before you think that hiring tutors will cost you a lot of money, remember that most tutors work only part-time.
They are not expecting to get paid what a large company would pay a full-time employee. And neither are they expecting a tutoring business to provide them with health insurance or other benefits. Finally, remember that you are only paying your tutors for the hours they actually tutor, so you are never paying them with your money – you are paying them from fees you collect from their tutoring.
Now do you understand why starting a tutoring center can be really profitable? You hire people to do the tutoring, and you schedule the appointments and collect the fees. You can even hire someone else to schedule the appointments!
What you really need to start a tutoring business is a practical plan of action for your first year of operation. This plan should have details on how you are going to pay for the initial costs and it should outline an operation strategy, such as who will perform the management and administrative tasks, what software to use for tutor matching, who will do the tutoring, etc.
Your business plan should also describe how you intend to market your tutoring business. Identify the grade levels that you will serve and where the tutoring will take place. A written plan on how you intend to start your tutoring business and keep it running during the first year gives your tutoring center direction and improves the chances of you getting funding from outside sources if you need it.