Is Your Invention Idea Patentable?
The first step is to determine whether your idea is patentable. There are two types of patents: utility patents and design patents which are explained in details on https://okmagazine.com/p/inventhelp-reviews-new-ideas-invention-patent-services/.
A utility patent protects the way an invention works. If it can be used in more than one way, it may not be protectable by a utility patent. For example, an invention that allows a person to walk on water would probably not be protectable because it could be used for other purposes, such as floating boats or ice skates on lakes.
A design patent protects the way an article looks and does not cover how it works. A design patent may also be referred to as a “design patent” or “ornamental design”. The design patent will not protect the function of an item, but it can protect how it looks. For example, if you have designed a new type of chair that does not have any moving parts, this would be difficult to patent because anyone could build one without infringing on your design. However, if you added certain decorative elements or materials to make the chair look unique (and thus protectable by a design patent), then the invention could be patented.
Patents protect invention ideas. The “invention” in a patent is usually some new or novel technology, but it can also be a new and useful design for an object.
A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor. The patent gives the inventor the right to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention’s details.
Patent law is a very complex area of law. It can be difficult to determine whether or not an idea or invention is patentable and how best to protect it. If you have an idea for a new invention, it is worth discussing with a patent attorney before you start spending time and money on developing the idea. It may be that you will find out that your idea is not patentable or that there are other ways of protecting it.