How to Prevent the Virus
While maintaining a healthy immune system is the best way to prevent being plagued by the coronavirus, there are quite a few other things that you an do to reduce your risk as well.
Vaccine – Most individuals who ask their doctor how to prevent the virus are told to get a vaccine. This is especially true for children, individuals who care for children under six months old, pregnant women, the elderly and those with asthma or diabetes. While the virus shot may not seem like the most natural choice, it is regarded as the most effective.
Wash Your Hands – This could be the single most important thing that you do all pandemic. Most viruses are spread incredibly easy by direct contact. If someone who is infected sneezes in their hand and then proceeds to touch a computer keyboard, telephone, etc., the virus can stay alive for hours or even weeks. Then, the next unfortunate person who touches the object can pick the virus up. If there isn’t a sink available for you to wash your hands, you can use a hand sanitizer that is alcohol-based.
Watch for Coughs and Sneezes – You simply have to cough or sneeze sometimes however, you should always do so into the inner portion of your elbow, never your hand. Since viruses can cling onto your bare hands, you run the risk of spreading them to others. Wear a face mask, such as N95 mask, to protect yourself from others and to protect others from you when coughing or sneezing.
Don’t Touch Your Face – You really need to make a point to not touch your face unless your hands are freshly washed. Viruses are happy to enter your body through your eyes, mouth and nose. Face touching is the primary reason behind the spreading of viruses and germs in children.
Stay Hydrated – As you drink water, it not only hydrates you but it also washes the toxins away as well. A healthy adult should be drinking eight 8-ounce size glasses of water every day. You can tell if you are getting enough water if your urine is close to clear. If it is dark, you need more liquids.
Exercise – Another natural method on how to prevent the virus is exercise. Your body needs a daily dose of some type of aerobic exercise to speed your heart up to pump larger blood quantities. This allows you to breathe faster and transfer oxygen to your blood from your lungs which causes you to sweat. Aerobic exercise helps to increase your body’s cells that work to kill viruses.
Don’t Smoke – Individuals who smoke are far more likely to get the cold or flu or covid than those who don’t. Even just being around smoke can compromise your immune system. It paralyzes cilia and dries out nasal passages so viruses aren’t able to be swept away.
Skip the Alcohol – While one daily glass of wine can be good for you, your immune system is suppressed by heavy alcohol consumption. Individuals who consume large amounts of alcohol are much more prone to not only initial infections but secondary complications as well. Not to mention, alcohol dehydrates your body so you are actually losing more fluid than what you put in.
Rest – Anyone wanting to know how to prevent the virus needs to learn to relax and rest. Even squeezing 10 minutes of meditation into your day can feel like an hour nap. Evidence suggests that when you fully relax your body, your interleukins in your immune system respond quicker against viruses. It is important to understand that true relaxation takes effort. If you simply do nothing yet you don’t clear your mind, there are no changes in the chemicals within your blood.