Boat Seat Pedestal Shock Absorber Is A Necessity
A boat seat is a seat that is used by the person rowing the boat when they are out in the water. This is quite practical and is used for multiple uses like fishing or generally sitting around the deck. A boat seat usually rests on top of a pedestal. This pedestal provides the stability to the boat seat and ensures that the person does not topple over and fall in the water.
Even with a sturdy pedestal the boat seat is not very stable. This is because the boat is moving on the waves of the water. Constant push of the water waves make the boat wobble and a boat seat also shakes with each wave. Sometimes you may be lucky and the water maybe extremely still and calm. Other times it may be really rough and it may be dangerous to take the boat out. However when the weather is moderately calm it is safe to take the boat out even if there are some waves in the water. How do we ensure that the boat seat is sturdy in such circumstances? By using a shock absorbing boat seat pedestal.
The shock absorbers are fitted between the boat surface and the pedestal and the other set between the pedestal and the boat seat. They are usually made of spring coils that absorb the shocks provided by the constant waves of the water that a boat seat is exposed to. Without shock absorber it is difficult to do any task on top of a boat seat. A pedestal on which the boat seat is mounted usually provides a good base to fix the boat seat on. It certainly helps in making a boat seat stable.
However, it is still difficult to do anything more than the basic activities while sitting on the boat seat. The shock absorber provides the much needed stability to a boat seat. Installing shock absorber does not mean that the flexibility to swivel a boat seat or adjust the height of the pedestal goes away. The shock absorbers available in the market today support all these features of a good boat seat.
The shock absorbers just enhance the features of a boat seat by absorbing the constant shock provided by the water waves. The shock absorbers are available in multiple varieties and metals. It is important to choose one which is made of a material that does not corrode easily. It is futile to use a shock absorber that corrodes easily since the boat seat is constantly exposed to the moisture.
Boat seat pedestal shock absorber is a very practical accessory to add to a boat seat. Over a period of time it allows you to perform a lot of task on the boat seat without any potential risk of health troubles to your back or otherwise. This is one invention that has made the joy of rowing a boat even more pleasurable.